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Owner's Deck
Solar caps for our 4x4 post stone covers make any railing stand out day or night. Railings do not have to be boring!
The deck on this page belongs to Mike French, the owner of Virginia Decking & Remodeling LLC. During the winter of 2021-2022 we removed the old PT decking which had served us well for many years. We inspected the existing framing and found, much to my delight, that only a few floor joists required replacement and a good soak with Deep Wood Fungus Killer before application of our "once and done" PT wood preservative StoneWood.
We then installed iDekk rail caps and Perimeter Strip trim in "rustic red" and iDekk T&G decking in "copper canyon". The decking and trim are different wood tone colors to make a very sexy contrast but more importantly the decking is hollow, self-ventilating and T&G with hidden fasteners so tender bare grandchildren feet are protected against nail pops and searing hot deck boards! "Rustic red" is on the left and "copper canyon" is on the right.
Honestly in 4 decades we have not found a product that can equal iDekk. It looks like real wood and stays looking like real wood. It never needs maintenance.
Frankly it solves all of the problems wood and composite decks have been struggling with for years.
My wife really liked the idea of installing a railing that is modern, sleek, different from our neighbors and maintenance free (I am so tired of dealing with high maintenance decks). She and I designed this Hybrid Composite PT Railing complete with stone pillars with solar caps ($227). The railing has a composite cap, Deckorator metal balusters, black composite 4x4 sleeves with caps and PT horizontal 2x4s painted with Behr semi gloss Marquee 20 year paint. Cost? $20 per linear foot materials. Compare that to vinyl railings at $48/LF or composite railings at $95/LF. It is a real deal. No maintenance. Inexpensive. Different. We call it our Legacy Railing. Design is copyrighted 2021 by Mike French. All rights reserved.
The stone pillar post covers with solar caps offer a dreamy lighting effect enough to light the stairs but never too bright.
If you really want a deck that stands out from what everyone else has, install a specialty Legacy Railing from Virginia Decking. We have designed a sleek, black, modern, no maintenance “one of a kind” railing with these beautiful and uncommon stone post covers with or without solar caps. These stone post covers are stylish, elegant and eye-catching even from the street.
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