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After removing the old, rotted pressure treated or dangerous composite decking, we install tongue and groove (T&G) iDekk GeoDeck composite decking.
Because the system is tongue and groove, the nail goes in through the tongue on an angle and the groove from the adjacent board covers the tongue and the nail and produces an invisible fastener system which means no dangerous nail pops.
Because these composite deck boards have a hollow, self-ventilating design, there is twice the surface area to radiate away heat compared to your typical solid core composites like Trex. And Trex like other solid core boards will get so hot under bare feet that your kids and grandkids will be doing a hot-foot dance on it!
However, the
iDekk composite deck boards remain cooler in direct sunlight than other composite boards. No dancing... at least not from having burning bare feet. :-)
In addition, because other composite decking deck boards are made from wood flour (think sawdust) and recycled plastic (old milk jugs), these inferior composite boards are a feeding ground for mold, mildew, algae and fungus. Fungus actually eats down past the surface INTO the board sometimes so deeply that straight bleach or even sanding cannot remove it.
But no such problem with iDekk composite decking. A fungicide has been baked into the boards… and from our research, we found there is nothing organic in the composition which would feed mold, mildew, algae and fungus.
This composite decking
Lifetime Limited Warranty states that the “deck owner” is protected against “rot, mildew, fungal decay, and mold damage (or) significant color fade or discoloration.” In addition, the manufacturer states that their decking “will not splinter, split, or delaminate, (or) suffer structural damage from termites…” Now
is a warranty!
This is a photo of a well known composite deck board that has grown mold, mildew, algae and fungus on the surface.
These foreign invaders have also penetrated the surface so deeply that replacement is the only solution. That’s expensive. Wood and many composite deck boards will develop this problem because fungus secrets an enzyme which converts wood cellulose to wood sugar which is what fungus eats. Fungus will eat clear through a board. It is also a slip/fall hazard because fungus is what makes wood and wood-base composites slippery. Try walking across fungus covered rocks in a stream!
iDekk composite T&G deck boards look like real wood but will last virtually forever* because the materials will not feed mold, mildew, algae and fungus.
iDekk composite decking is highly resistant to fading (see manufacturer’s 5 year photo below), have no issues with nail pops (due to hidden fasteners), and stay cooler under bare feet due to their hollow, self-ventilating design.
This service has huge demand and the demand is increasing. The factory has gotten behind! Do not put this off. Get on our Construction Calendar now so we can do this work for you soon (currently our crews are one month from contract to job start but the factory is further out). Worse still, inflation is running the cost of materials up, up and away! Best advice is simple: Do this NOW before material costs go even higher.
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