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In keeping with our policy of transparency and complete honesty, I wanted to keep all of my visitors up to date on the latest information concerning GeoDeck… even if it is old news.
During the period from April 2002-October 2003 Kadant (GeoDeck manufacturer) produced several batches of GeoDeck that were deficient in antioxidants which in turn accelerated degradation of the material in some cases. From my research I have discovered several things worthy of note:
The manufacturer has always stood behind its warranty for this fine product. To my knowledge, if and when a product was found defective in any way, the manufacturer had it replaced at their expense* and without hassle. Isn’t that refreshing.
They did this without government pressure or intervention… unlike some other composite manufacturers that have been loathe to accept responsibility.
Kadant took action and fixed the problem in October 2003.
This recall should not effect any of our current clients because their materials were manufactured long AFTER October 2003.
*On 7/20/07 I spoke with Teresa at Kadant (781 270-0624) and was informed that they will replace GeoDeck materials if found defective or make a monetary settlement but will not cover labor. Though labor was apparently never covered in their written warranty, it was covered for my one and only warranty issue.
Update: It has come to my attention this week (2/3/09) that some folks have posted complaints online about GeoDeck. I have read those complaints and contacted my supplier and the GeoDeck factory via their manufacturer’s representative to get the correct information. My supplier is so supportive of this product that he has just finished having a 2nd story GeoDeck deck installed on his own home and commented to me, “I would not have done this had I thought there would be any problem with this product. It is totally safe.”
The GeoDeck rep’s email to me that pertains to GeoDeck follows:
“… I have gathered the warranty information mentioned earlier today. Unfortunately, it is in spreadsheet documents that are company confidential. But what I can tell you, and feel free to share with any potential “concerned” customer is the following:
Since LDI’s purchase of the assets of GeoDeck from the Kadant Composite group, the LDI GeoDeck brand has sold in excess of $45 million dollars of deck and railing products.
1) In fiscal year 2006, no claims were filed against any LDI GeoDeck brand product.
2) In fiscal year 2007, $37k in claims were paid.
In fiscal year 2008, a little over $7k in claims were paid.
3) And in fiscal year 2009, no claims have been filed or paid to date.
FYI – NONE, and I stress none of the claim money that was paid in warranty was for “crumbling” or failed product. (emphasis mine) Most of those claims were for damaged, or improperly installed product that we felt we should help out with.
BOTTOM LINE! We’ll match our warranty claim number as a percentage of sales against any competitor. We are confidant that you can continue to espouse the virtues of GeoDeck to your potential customers with pride and a great story to tell.
Mike, I hope this and Lanny’s letter help in your future sales efforts. If there is anything else I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Matt Fick
Regional Sales Manager
GeoDeck Composite Decking
410.202.6756 Direct Dial
To all the contractors, home owners, DIYers, builders and anyone else out there who like to knit pick and find fault where there is no fault… guess what… it’s time to stop whining about problems that have been fixed years ago. Do yourself and your clients a favor and install with GeoDeck. Many years from now it will still look beautiful and everyone will be glad you had enough sense and guts to ignore the nay sayers and knit pickers and listen to the experts. — Mike
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