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According to Trex®, deck framing is in advanced stages of rot in as soon as 7 years from installation. See Trex photos...
"There are a few important ways to make your deck joists last longer:
• Use pressure-treated lumber [duh]
• Cover the joists with a moisture-resistant stain or sealer before installation.”
- from blog
Trex goes on to state that you must do four (4) more things to your deck framing floor joists in order to protect them against fast decay and rot. But we have news for Trex:
If you use
StoneWood, there is nothing else you need to do… ever. Why? Because
StoneWood is not like any other sealer. It is not a surface protection that wears off or is burnt off by UV rays or degrades due to being oxidized or peels off and needs to be reapplied every few years. StoneWood is an INTERNAL wood sealer. StoneWood actually fills the first few layers of wood cells with a substance that is very hard and very light and prevents water from being absorbed. More importantly it sets up a barrier against fungus. If fungus starts to grow on the surface, it
stays on the surface because it cannot penetrate the first few layers of wood cells that have been filled with this very hard, very light quartz-like crystalline substance... any more than mold can eat through the glass on your windows. Mold can live on the exterior of glass... but it cannot penetrate the glass. Neither can fungus penetrate the quartz-like crystalline
For this reason StoneWood is once and done.
For much more information, cost and ordering see
Or call 540 840-7243 now.
BTW, the photos above illustrate the Trex claim that PT wood decay is in advanced stages in as soon as 7-9 years. Personally I have seen a rotten large hole in a deck in 4-5 years from install. But not to worry. We will teach you how to determine if your own deck framing (floor joists) are rotting and how to kill the fungus and how to prevent the fungus from coming back... permanently.
If you want to seal a wooden deck, we have you covered. Fungal rot can severely damage PT deck joists in as little as seven years, and you will need to seal your wooden deck to prevent hazardous situations. If you're using PT deck joists, you'll need to seal your wooden deck to make sure your structure is safe!
If you wish to seal a wooden deck, you can get in contact with us at 540-840-7243. We would love to help you seal your wooden deck.
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