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How to "Save 25%-50%
off retail."
We offer a way (legal, moral and non-fattening) to obtain a significant discount on your deck and porch materials including composite decking, vinyl railings, pressure treated wood, Ipe exotic hardwood, fasteners, concrete, even windows and doors! This could save you a bag of money (and still let me make some as well).
That’s right. We have worked for 40 years to find the best Material Suppliers of deck, porch and sunroom building materials (including windows and doors) and establish a wonderful working relationship with them. One of these Material Suppliers offers the best pressure treated wood we have ever used (Madison). I also have suppliers that handle Ipe, iDekk and Duxxbak, vinyl and composite railings, Azek Procell PVC decking, and Gossen PVC decking. All suppliers have exemplary service (my Customer Service Representatives really know what they are doing and work very hard to make my clients happy)… and outstanding prices for many of the above products.
What is more, in most cases they do not charge a delivery fee for my clients… and (are you ready for this?)… you may qualify to receive a discount which lowers your cost even more.
“OK… but how much will I save”?
Hey, keep your shirt on… I can’t tell you exactly but I will tell you this much: Use my way cool Excel Deck, Porch, Sunroom Price Worksheet to estimate cost of materials for a deck, screen porch, front porch or sunroom. The resulting estimated materials cost will come pretty close to east coast prices if you walk in off the street into a local Lowes or Home Depot. However, I have recently been told by two clients that the actual material cost from my supplier has come in well below the Excel Deck, Porch, Sunroom Price Worksheetestimate. One gentleman who purchased GeoDeck decking (now called iDekk or Duxxbak), vinyl railing and pressure treated wood (all substructures have to be pressure treated) from my suppliers told me his total material bill came to 10% less than the Excel estimate. Another client who used only my pressure treated supplier said she paid 20% less. So, all other things being equal, you could save from 10%-20% off local lumber yard prices with my service. But PLEASE do not hold me to these savings. Suppliers change their prices constantly… and each deck or porch is different. These are estimates only.
“I like that. But… what’s the catch?”
Does there always have to be a “catch”? OK, OK there are a couple:
1) You have to live within their delivery radii which is central and northern Virginia, DC, Maryland, Delaware, southern Pennsylvania, and eastern West Virginia, or, if you prefer, you can pick the materials up yourself if you live outside those areas.
2) You have to order your pressure treated lumber, composite or PVC decking, and/or Vinyl Railings or outdoor lighting from us. And you must use our handy Order Forms to qualify.
“I don’t have to get my deck from you? Let me get this straight: I can use your own material suppliers and get a discount off list price on some items and be getting my deck from somebody who works out of his pickup and chews tobacco or even build it myself? That’s it?!?“
That’s it. This service is designed for folks who are getting someone else to build their project, but still want to get excellent materials for less… and know their materials will have good supplier customer service to back it up. If you fax or email me your order (Order Form provided for your convenience), by agreement with my Material Supplier Customer Representatives, they will give you a discount on select items (up to 20% off some items) off their list prices on materials you order from their firms. It’s good for them, good for us (because they still pay me a sales commission), and very good for you.
“Thanks Mike!”
You are most welcome. Funny thing happens when you help people get what they want: It comes back to you. Hmmm… didn’t Someone very important say something like that about 2000 years ago?
By the way… if you want US to build it for you, you will want to see our “Getting Started” page.
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